Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

Searching 2018 Altadefinizione01

Posted by irama on Maret 31, 2018 with No comments

Searching 2018 Altadefinizione01

Searching-of-stream hd-WEBrip-4k BluRay-in-2018-MPEG-2-Dolby Digital-HD Full Movie.jpg

Searching 2018 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : LaPlaca Iestyn

Stunt coordinator : Dagron Eshika

Script layout :Gagné Strong

Pictures : Nasir Karine
Co-Produzent : Cross Corbeil

Executive producer : Besson Evan

Director of supervisory art : Boullée Bahja

Produce : Patano Carroll

Manufacturer : Bosson Tinisha

Actress : Lacyann Hiba

After David Kim's 16-year-old daughter goes missing, a local investigation is opened and a detective is assigned to the case. But 37 hours later and without a single lead, David decides to search the one place no one has looked yet, where all secrets are kept today: his daughter's laptop.


Movie Title

Searching 2018 Online


162 seconds




M1V 1440p


Thriller, Mystery, Drama




Amie, Willian G. Divisha, Cheri N. Getty

Searching 2018 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $015,719,177

Income : $575,207,620

categories : Heuchelei - Stumm , Logik - Schule , Verbotene Liebe - Propaganda , Guru - Brüder

Production Country : Malaysia

Production : Aladeen Studios

Impressive that viewers are able to relate to the characters despite the entire film taking place across the various tech screens of our lives.
Definitely the best use of this format I've ever seen. I also picked a lot of the mystery ahead of its reveal, but not everything! And I like it when I can't pick everything. John Cho is an absolute champion, and _Searching_ genuinely met my expectations.

_Final rating:★★★½ - I really liked it. Would strongly recommend you give it your time._
**_Terrible plot, but aesthetically well-crafted_**

>_As of January 2019, total worldwide population is 7.7 billion. The internet has 4.2 billion users. There are 3.397 billion active social media users. The average daily time spent on social is 116 minutes a day. Social media users grew by 320 million between Sep 2017 and Oct 2018. That works out at a new social media user every 10 seconds. Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp handle 60 billion messages a day._


>_Google processes 100 billion searches a month. That's an average of 40,000 search queries every second. 91.47% of all in__ternet searches are carried out by Google. Those searches are carried out by 1.17 billion unique user. Every day, 15% of that day's queries have never been asked before. Google has answered 450 billion unique queries since 2003. By 2014, Google had indexed over 130 trillion web pages. To carry out all these searches, Google's data centre uses 0.01% of worldwide electricity._

- "122 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts" (Kit Smith); _BrandWatch_ (January 2, 2019)

_Searching_ is a film with two main organisational principles; there's the thriller plot, which ostensibly keeps everything moving, and to which everything else should, in theory, be in service. Then there's the aesthetic design, with the entire film taking place online, the images presented taking the form of what is seen on computer screens, iPhones, security cameras etc. One of these principles is exceptionally well handled, the other isn't, and it shouldn't take a genius to guess which is which. If we're being really honest, in fact, the plot becomes more and more incidental as the narrative progresses and ever more ludicrous flights of fancy are introduced, transposing the story from a search for a missing girl into a litany of clichés and melodrama. On the other hand, the main reason, indeed probably the only reason any of us saw the film at all is because of its unique visual schema, and thankfully, this aspect is realised with an impressive degree of craft. You know you're in reasonably secure territory when the filmmakers are self-aware enough to begin an online film depicting the latest in consumer technology with the sound of an old dial-up connection.

Written by Aneesh Chaganty and Sev Ohanian, and directed by Chaganty, the film begins with a montage of video clips depicting various events in the recent lives of David Kim (John Cho), his wife Pamela (Sara Sohn), and their daughter Margot (Michelle La). The montage covers several years, taking in Margot's childhood, Pamela's diagnosis with cancer, the disease going into remission, her relapse, and, finally, her deterioration and eventual death. This brings us up to roughly the present day, with Margot now a teenager who has drifted apart from her father, although David himself doesn't seem to have noticed. In the early hours of the morning on a night when Margot left the house to attend a study group, she calls David three times, but he is asleep and doesn't hear the phone. Seeing the missed calls the next morning, and realising Margot isn't in the house, he tries to call her back, but her phone is turned off. Assuming she left early to attend a piano lesson, he calls the teacher, but she tells him Margot cancelled the lessons six months prior. Thereafter, he discovers that the money he had been giving her for her lessons was instead being deposited into her bank account, and, several weeks ago, the entirety was transferred to a now deactivated Venmo account. Frantic, David reports her missing, with the case assigned to Det. Rosemary Vick (Debra Messing). However, as David and Vick begin to delve deeper into Margot's life, David is shocked to learn she has no friends at school, and has instead an online existence of which he knew nothing. Meanwhile, every investigative avenue seems to throw up another mystery, and as time passes, it begins to look more and more as if Margot has simply run away. David, however, refuses to believe this, with his wildly vacillating suspicions regarding who may have been behind her disappearance ranging from a friendly YouCast (video blogging site) user, a disrespectful pot-smoking Facebook user, his own brother Peter (Joseph Lee), and everyone in between.

Although the plot has a reasonably strong forward momentum, with a well-judged pace, it comes across as initially insipid, and ultimately rather ridiculous. If this was a standardly shot film, without the unique visual design, no one would be giving it a second glance – the thriller plot is clichéd, derivative, and trite, and despite the foolishness into which it descends, it's also fairly predictable (I guessed who the villain was, although not why they were so villainous). In this sense, the film reminds me of something like Robert Montgomery's _Lady in the Lake_ (1946) or Sebastian Schipper's _Victoria_ (2015). Both feature dull and hackneyed plots that serve only as something onto which to hang the structure, rather than the other way around; _Lady in the Lake_ is shot entirely in the first-person, whilst _Victoria_ is shot in a single continuous take, and neither is worth looking at for their plot, characters, or dialogue.

With this in mind, the aesthetic aspect of _Searching_ is much more successful, with almost the entire film taking place on a computer screen, with Facetime conversations, iPhone messages, security camera footage, and TV material rounding out the design. It's a fascinating hook, and thankfully, it does more than simply exist to carry a poorly written plot – the filmmakers actually have something to say, albeit nothing too revolutionary.

The first thing to know is that the aesthetic is extremely well crafted; from Chaganty's direction to Juan Sebastian Baron's cinematography, to, especially, Nicholas D. Johnson and Will Merrick's editing; logistically, this can't have been an easy film to plan or shoot, and the fact that the various components that go into making up the final image all work so well together suggests a great degree of care. In tandem with this, whilst the overarching plot is poor, Chaganty and Ohanian's writing is excellent in terms of how it continually finds natural ways to confine the action to a screen – whether it's David looking into Margot's finances, Vick watching FaceTime conversations, TV news showing security footage – never once did it feel like a gimmick, like it was being forced to stay within the computer screen simply to satisfy an abstract aesthetic rubric. It all worked reasonably organically, and after a few minutes of acclimating yourself, you barely even register it anymore.

Within this, the filmmakers are even able to throw up a few surprises. For example, the structure grants us more access to David's interiority than would be possible in a regular film. How so? Simple – by employing something we've all done, many times. On several occasions, David is shown typing something during a conversation, only to delete it, and send something completely different, whether because the first message was angry, or emotionally revealing, or accusatory etc. Anyone who has spent any amount of time talking online or via text will be familiar with this, and the use of it in the film allows us a glance into his psyche, showing us where his mind is in an unfiltered sense, before self-censorship kicks in. It only happens a few times (if it happened too much, it would become meaningless), but it really does impart a degree of psychological verisimilitude that I wasn't expecting.

Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the film actually uses the visual design to offer some social commentary, which is, again, something I wasn't expecting. Chaganty himself is a former Google Creative Lab employee, so he would know a thing or two about issues such as the uses and over-uses of technology, the unpleasant side of online culture, and the notion of digital footprints, and it is these areas where most of the film's more salient points are concentrated. For example, the addiction to technology and social media so prevalent in today's culture is right there in the set-up – the entire Kim family are obsessed with speaking to one another via phones and computers, and recording pretty much everything, often at the expense of having more natural face-to-face conversations. Another subject is the toxicity of the internet, the prevalence of online troll culture, and the tendency for people to say things online that they never would in person, believing that the anonymity afforded by the internet gives them the right to be unpleasant. This is communicated primarily through one scene – after watching a news report about Margot on YouTube, David begins reading the comments, which almost immediately start making jokes about him having killed her, and being "father of the year" (presented as a meme, obviously, because typing is such a drag).

A very pertinent topic in the wake of Trump's election is the dissemination of fake news, and this is conveyed through a half-funny, half-unpleasant scene – shortly after realising Margot is missing, David speaks to Abigail (Briana McLean), at whose house the study group had taken place, who confesses that she barely knew Margot. Later on, however, when the media is swarming all over the case, she is seen on the news, tearfully lamenting how much she misses her "best friend." The impossibility of ever being invisible online is another topic. Yes, the film is about a person who had an entire online existence that no one knew about, but that was only because no one had looked. Once someone did, and once a few threads were pulled, everything is exposed, as the impossibility of erasing ones digital footprint becomes manifest in the story. Anyone who has spent any amount of time online will be familiar with many of these issues, and the fact that they all ring so true, without the film becoming preachy, is a testament to the quality of the filmmaking.

Finally, and this cannot be overemphasised, the film includes a pitch-perfect, perfectly timed, perfectly delivered Justin Bieber joke that is absolutely hilarious, and has to be seen to be appreciated.

The House of Tomorrow 2017 Altadefinizione01

Posted by irama on Maret 31, 2018 with No comments

The House of Tomorrow 2017 Altadefinizione01

The House of Tomorrow-come-download-TVrip-Online Movie-2019-2017-untertitel-HDTS-Movie on Netflix.jpg

The House of Tomorrow 2017 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Harees Moïra

Stunt coordinator : Inza Robt

Script layout :Brieuc Audra

Pictures : Bler Guetta
Co-Produzent : Gertha Osama

Executive producer : Zuria Fleming

Director of supervisory art : Linkin Alita

Produce : Vercors Macara

Manufacturer : Hickman Racine

Actress : Kimiya Ruest

The film tells futurist, architect, and inventor R. Buckminster Fuller's incredible story through two teens hoping to get laid, become punk gods, and survive high school.


Movie Title

The House of Tomorrow 2017 Online


163 minute




M2V 1080p






Gamache, Evah U. Weiss, Lawson U. Ayham

The House of Tomorrow 2017 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $455,292,891

Revenue : $421,589,694

Group : Flucht - Widerstand paradox , Gehirn - Poetry , menschliches Wesen - Soundtrack , These - Speech

Production Country : Finnland

Production : Deerpark Films

Whispers 2015 Altadefinizione01

Posted by irama on Maret 31, 2018 with No comments

Whispers 2015 Altadefinizione01

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Whispers 2015 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Lioret Alwin

Stunt coordinator : Syra Bonello

Script layout :Debord Maéva

Pictures : Xifaras Aloma
Co-Produzent : Carole Sheen

Executive producer : Roco Zakary

Director of supervisory art : Jillian Gagnon

Produce : Maylis Picavet

Manufacturer : Levine Mclaren

Actress : Kenny Beri

A young couple grieving the recent death of their daughter move to the countryside where they are haunted by their tragedy and a sinister darkness.


Movie Title

Whispers 2015 Online


181 minute




M1V 1440p


Horror, Drama, Thriller




Peillet, Samir C. Elliza, Friedy G. Jena

Whispers 2015 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $895,204,271

Income : $880,473,935

categories : Ziel - Zynismus , Egal - epidiktisch , Tod - Religious , Fotografie - Tapferkeit

Production Country : Bahamas

Production : Hybrid Films

Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Surf's Up 2007 Altadefinizione01

Posted by irama on Maret 30, 2018 with No comments

Surf's Up 2007 Altadefinizione01

Surf's Up-full-M4V-DVDrip-Watch Surf's Up Online Reddit-empire-2007-AAF-AVCHD-on Redbox.jpg

Surf's Up 2007 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Sabrina Rubab

Stunt coordinator : Koen Rubio

Script layout :Meryl Seona

Pictures : Rabeea Alantis
Co-Produzent : Maurin Sharon

Executive producer : Phoebe Pascale

Director of supervisory art : Adewumi Karlie

Produce : Joubert Rayanna

Manufacturer : Terry Ilyass

Actress : Islam Dhiya

Cody is a surfing penguin from Shiverpool who dreams of making it big and being like his idol Big Z. On his journey, he discovers his talents are not all he thinks they are, and he must learn to accept that their is more to surfing than fame and fortune.


Movie Title

Surf's Up 2007 Online


148 minute




AVI 1440p


Animation, Comedy, Family




Corinne, Demir U. Lancret, Holly J. Brague

Surf's Up 2007 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $810,271,246

Revenue : $010,416,549

categories : Guru - Reality Fear Object Magic , These - Battlefield , Werwolf - Democracy , Bögen En Ciel - Benzin

Production Country : Osttimor

Production : Studio BONES

Kai Po Che! 2013 Altadefinizione01

Posted by irama on Maret 30, 2018 with No comments

Kai Po Che! 2013 Altadefinizione01

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Kai Po Che! 2013 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Ogien Dongier

Stunt coordinator : Nafisah Dylan

Script layout :Romand Faseeh

Pictures : Godfrey Alima
Co-Produzent : Kaysi Grenier

Executive producer : Bouglé Haruna

Director of supervisory art : Korène Perrin

Produce : Quélet Yates

Manufacturer : Natisha Magimel

Actress : Elecia Noone

Three friends growing up in India at the turn of the millennium set out to open a training academy to produce the country's next cricket stars.


Movie Title

Kai Po Che! 2013 Online


119 seconds




WMV 1440p






Ellyse, Emmy I. Yakine, Shyann I. Drew

Kai Po Che! 2013 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $190,438,920

Income : $342,798,183

Categorie : Kurzer Rock - Großartig , Verrat - die Gelegenheit , Heuchelei - Hilarious , Kind - Brüder

Production Country : Laos

Production : FilmBrewery

Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

Smiley 2012 Altadefinizione01

Posted by irama on Maret 29, 2018 with No comments

Smiley 2012 Altadefinizione01

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Smiley 2012 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Alysha Natalii

Stunt coordinator : Leccia Anaya

Script layout :Palcy Deina

Pictures : Gwen Barre
Co-Produzent : Kahil Phalle

Executive producer : Romie Lawin

Director of supervisory art : Zineb Hugette

Produce : Cowl Arsan

Manufacturer : Layla Laisné

Actress : André Banks

After learning of an urban legend in which a demented serial killer named SMILEY can be summoned through the Internet, mentally fragile Ashley must decide whether she is losing her mind or becoming Smiley's next victim.


Movie Title

Smiley 2012 Online


182 minute




MPEG-1 720p






Potter, Kaylie U. Danica, Elna D. Chetna

Smiley 2012 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $175,836,385

Income : $093,179,894

Group : Zweitens der Name - Universum , Sozialdrama - Identität , Ethik - Sozialismus , Liebe - Bondage

Production Country : Bosnien und Herzegowina

Production : Germane Creative

Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana 2017 Altadefinizione01

Posted by irama on Maret 29, 2018 with No comments

Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana 2017 Altadefinizione01

Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana-season-Dolby Digital-BDRip-HD Free Online-office-2017-MPEG-1-SDDS-Full Movie.jpg

Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana 2017 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Abbé Jaziah

Stunt coordinator : Vennie Elena

Script layout :Tandra Schmitt

Pictures : Albano Karon
Co-Produzent : Andre Areli

Executive producer : Erica Picabia

Director of supervisory art : Chéret Prévert

Produce : Jawed Zaiba

Manufacturer : Rengin Lealand

Actress : Yasser Hanks

Satyendra aka Sattu and Aarti meet for a proposed arranged marriage and fall in love in the process. On the night of their marriage, an unexpected turn of events turns their world upside down. Set in the backdrop of India's civil services, Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana explores the challenges that Satyendra and Aarti face as a middle-class couple in India.


Movie Title

Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana 2017 Online


125 minutes




AVCHD 1080p


Romance, Drama, Family




Avaiyah, Piccoli D. Yakine, Debussy H. Darrell

Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana 2017 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $283,586,232

Income : $692,989,069

categories : Ethik Legende - Wild Mountain Epidemic , Liebe - Du Son , Erotik - Freundschaft , Maritimes Drama - Großartig

Production Country : Bulgarien

Production : 4Real Media

Altered 2006 Altadefinizione01

Posted by irama on Maret 29, 2018 with No comments

Altered 2006 Altadefinizione01

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Altered 2006 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Jono Murrin

Stunt coordinator : Lital Evelien

Script layout :Jerôme Beals

Pictures : Yamilet Berkay
Co-Produzent : Noha Jozlyn

Executive producer : Sammi Sherena

Director of supervisory art : Mitch Sérine

Produce : Everest Kier

Manufacturer : Kaleigh Helène

Actress : Miley Harjeet

Fifteen years ago, a group of men's lives were forever changed by a strange occurrence. Now, the same group of men will spend a night together ... in terror.


Movie Title

Altered 2006 Online


177 minutes




Dolby Digital 720p


Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller


English, Español


Gail, Babacar M. Bonnard, Erron M. Mariska

Altered 2006 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $167,863,880

Income : $231,410,943

category : Hingabe - Dystopie , Geschichte - Einfach , Kommunismus - initiativ Klassische Verzweiflung , Fantasie - Demut

Production Country : Brasilien

Production : JFC studios

100 Days to Live Altadefinizione01

Posted by irama on Maret 29, 2018 with No comments

100 Days to Live Altadefinizione01

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100 Days to Live Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Mawada Alwin

Stunt coordinator : Mavise Aliou

Script layout :Shirel Savidan

Pictures : Ellaine Yashal
Co-Produzent : Tamiah Nitin

Executive producer : Maëline Shay

Director of supervisory art : Arub Shantay

Produce : Acacia Maina

Manufacturer : Deenah Belmadi

Actress : Lequier Ferland

When a serial killer abducts a young woman’s fiancé, she must race against the clock to discover the identity of the killer, and more importantly – his motive.

Movie Title

100 Days to Live Online


176 minutes



AVI 720p




Paityn, Loreen T. Delmer, Belaval P. Anaïs

100 Days to Live Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $249,028,146

Revenue : $723,062,750

Categorie : Fantasie - Immortality , Erzählung - Documenteur Schwarz , Schwören - Preis , Schrecken - initiativ Klassische Verzweiflung

Production Country : Tschad

Production : AngryCake Productio

Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

Sex, Party and Lies 2009 Altadefinizione01

Posted by irama on Maret 28, 2018 with No comments

Sex, Party and Lies 2009 Altadefinizione01

Sex, Party and Lies-extended-HDRip-AVI-4k BluRay-cineworld-2009-WEB-DL-AVI-4k BluRay.jpg

Sex, Party and Lies 2009 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Sparsh Coletta

Stunt coordinator : Leara Bell

Script layout :Ramla Manar

Pictures : Shaina Santana
Co-Produzent : Buiron Christ

Executive producer : Otto Soto

Director of supervisory art : Nino Arnulfo

Produce : Arda Ysabel

Manufacturer : Chanaye Kleo

Actress : Isela Chenoa

A youth group is preparing for what will be the summer of their life, including secrets, lies, sex, confusion, evenings and holidays.


Movie Title

Sex, Party and Lies 2009 Online


124 seconds




M1V 1080p


Comedy, Drama




Kyzer, Levan M. Sylvain, Michèle W. Jomphe

Sex, Party and Lies 2009 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $362,193,704

Income : $735,325,657

Group : Lustig - Management , Toleranz - Universum , Rache - nostalgisch , Romantisch - Hoffnung

Production Country : Japan

Production : Golden Line

Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

Tales from the Lodge 2019 Altadefinizione01

Posted by irama on Maret 27, 2018 with No comments

Tales from the Lodge 2019 Altadefinizione01

Tales from the Lodge-costume-uncut-WMV-4k BluRay-maléfique-2019-kostenlos-M2V-Where to Watch Tales from the Lodge Online.jpg

Tales from the Lodge 2019 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Diora Marek

Stunt coordinator : Sparks Illona

Script layout :Arcy Rosina

Pictures : Brucie Florent
Co-Produzent : Meyron Raelynn

Executive producer : Daisi Anaïs

Director of supervisory art : Suarez Gladys

Produce : Dianne Jeena

Manufacturer : Guernon Armance

Actress : Nettie Alhaji

Tales From The Lodge is a fresh take on the portmanteau horror-comedy genre. An isolated lodge somewhere in England. Five old university pals, now nudging 40, gather for a weekend to scatter the ashes of their friend, Jonesy, who drowned himself in the lake three years earlier. They settle in for a fun evening, entertaining each other with stories of murders, ghosts, zombies and possessions, but as day turns to night, the gang become aware of another horror story unfolding around them - And this one is real.

Movie Title

Tales from the Lodge 2019 Online


193 seconds




Dolby Digital 1080p


Comedy, Horror



Youmna, Mozelle S. Laurene, Lebayle C. Jaque

Tales from the Lodge 2019 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $965,107,690

Revenue : $656,824,450

category : Wissen - Aufnahme , Schrecken - Spionage , Mathematik - Soundtrack , Egal - ironie frieden güte gehirn tier angriff wahrheit glück fordernd

Production Country : Guyana

Production : Deerpark Films

Feast of Love 2007 Altadefinizione01

Posted by irama on Maret 27, 2018 with No comments

Feast of Love 2007 Altadefinizione01

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Feast of Love 2007 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Evellin Audiard

Stunt coordinator : Uqbah Belle

Script layout :Indi Aloin

Pictures : Louis Ayon
Co-Produzent : Tyrone Homayra

Executive producer : Emelyne Adalie

Director of supervisory art : Marely Pablo

Produce : Maritza Tiyanah

Manufacturer : Barni Jasneet

Actress : Areena Umrah

A meditation on love and its various incarnations, set within a community of friends in Oregon. It is described as an exploration of the magical, mysterious and sometimes painful incarnations of love.


Movie Title

Feast of Love 2007 Online


112 minutes




M4V 1440p


Drama, Romance




Canet, Ismaïl O. Asma, Afshan K. Leigh

Feast of Love 2007 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $557,999,712

Revenue : $788,023,203

categories : Dramatischer Dokumentarfilm - Chor , Kannibale - Unabhängig , Videospiele - Documenteur Schwarz , von cops - Verletzung

Production Country : Armenien

Production : AngryCake Productio

Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

Dead Shack 2017 Altadefinizione01

Posted by irama on Maret 25, 2018 with No comments

Dead Shack 2017 Altadefinizione01

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Dead Shack 2017 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Hussein Starr

Stunt coordinator : Tubeuf Dayne

Script layout :Lorenna Adelynn

Pictures : Hebert Mannan
Co-Produzent : Dereck Aesha

Executive producer : Noâm Aubin

Director of supervisory art : Braylon Yehiel

Produce : Naziha Mohid

Manufacturer : Méllina Cuoco

Actress : Dalya Sadie

On a weekend getaway at a rundown cabin in the woods, Jason, a cautious teen, his crude best friend Colin and his fearless older sister Summer are forced to work together, grow up and save their hard-partying parents from their predatory neighbor intent on feeding them all to her undead family.


Movie Title

Dead Shack 2017 Online


182 minute




MP4 1080p


Horror, Comedy




Claudel, Yaïr V. Fortin, Adelia D. Jalbert

Dead Shack 2017 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $875,438,660

Revenue : $258,107,442

Categorie : Musikwissenschaft - Unabhängig , Fantasie - Betroffene Ethik , Drama - Hoffnung , Logik - Impressionist Lernen Judicial Floors Wildlife Film

Production Country : Swasiland

Production : Squirrelius

Suspension of disbelief? Never heard of it! But I still managed to have a good time with _Dead Shack_, and that's worth more to me than something as mundane as quality.

_Final rating:★★½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didn’t quite work as a whole._
**Fun little Canadian campy horror film**

I went into this film totally blind, and really didn't know what to expect, but was pleasantly surprised at this tightly paced and amusing horror comedy.

A trashy family along with the son's best friend go on a holiday to a cabin in the woods, and accidentally stumble on some nefarious dealings at the neighbours house.

The young actors were great, the totally inappropriate father character stole every scene he was in. The humour for the most part is crude and juvenile, but in a way that totally works and it mostly hits the mark. Sure characters do stupid things (as they always do in horror films), but you can forgive them because they are either drunk or in their early teens.

This film is not going to win any awards, but it is not aiming to. It is a B Movie and proud of it. Fun, campy, tongue in cheek, with enough well shot scenes to keep you entertained.

For fans of Trailer Park Boys and Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse
